Thank you for providing your feedback - and for helping us serve you better
Promote your local activity or event for free.
If you require assistance submitting your event please reach out to us via email or phone.
Send an email Call us at 306-565-5370
Please do not use email addresses, last names or ALL UPPERCASE and be sure to Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word.
The organization cannot be longer than 45 characters.
The event name cannot be longer than 30 characters.
The event Date and Time(s) cannot be longer than 45 characters.
The event name cannot be longer than 45 characters.
The event details cannot be longer than 50 characters.
The contact information cannot be longer than 45 characters.
(This should be a date before your event. Click in the calendar to choose your start date.)
(tip: First day it will not air. Click in the calendar to choose your end date.) The end date must be at least 3 days from the start date.
You must select a community
You may only chose up to 5 communities.
("CTRL" or "CMD" and click to select multiple communities)