Funding Criteria
Access Communications Children’s Fund is a registered charity that contributes support to not-for-profit organizations and charities in Saskatchewan.
While the Children’s Fund appreciates the countless programs that benefit children in general in Saskatchewan, the Fund focuses its funding solely on projects that are directed to children at risk, in need, or most vulnerable only in Saskatchewan communities served by Access Communications Co-operative (includes rural wireless internet coverage area) - please check if your community populates in our community listing search (top left "Set your location") or contact the Children's Fund for confirmation prior to submitting an application).
The Children's Fund does not support funding to the following:
- Individuals or initiatives for youth over the age of 18;
- Multiple contributions to the same organization through a 24-month period;
- Organizations that received funding the previous year. Funding is granted on a one-year-on/one-year-off basis;
- Research, scholarships, loans, endowments;
- Fundraisers, festivals, auctions, travel costs, speaker costs, workshops or conventions;
- Salaries, honorariums, utilities, building maintenance and other organization operating expenses; advertising or printing costs;
- Religious organizations, unless supporting broadly-based outreach community initiatives;
- Organizations offering services that are exclusive in nature;
- Political organizations;
- Daycares, pre-schools or pre-kindergartens (including non-profits and co-operatives);
- Athletic teams, tournaments or events
Applications may be submitted throughout the year for consideration by the Fund’s Board of Directors. Applications are reviewed a minimum of four times annually. Please ensure your application is received well in advance of the start of your project or program.
The Access Communications Children’s Fund will consider requests for funding in the following focus areas:
1. Health and Wellness of Children and Youth - Projects funded in this focus area will:
- Improve self-esteem, self confidence and sense of identity that supports positive mental health.
- Increase participation in activities that foster the development of healthy relationships and healthy lifestyle behaviours.
- Provide activities that include, social, intellectual, physical and creative activities that enhance individual wellbeing.
2. Education and Literacy - Projects funded in this focus area will:
- Improve educational performance and grade-level reading.
- Enhance social, emotional, language and communication skills.
3. Social Inclusion - Projects funded in this focus area will:
- Create opportunities for children and youth to increase understanding and awareness of diversity and culture in Saskatchewan.
- Provide a greater sense of belonging, acceptance and recognition. Children and youth who are socially excluded are more socially and economically vulnerable.
- Address social stigmatization and marginalization experienced by some children and youth.
Funding Guidelines
1. Applicants that receive funding must be a registered non-profit organization (which includes schools), or a charitable organization.
2. To encourage financial sustainability for projects, the Children's Fund:
- will not be the sole funder of any project over $5,000;
- the same organization for more than one consecutive year; and
- will only approve one application per year (24-month period) from any organization.
3. The intent of the Children’s Fund is to have its donation impact children as directly as possible. In this regard, the Fund will not direct funding to overhead costs including, but not limited to, facility operational costs, salaries, and honorariums.
To be eligible for funding, requests must:
- Be for projects that directly support the health, education or social inclusion of children at risk, most vulnerable, or in need in the province of Saskatchewan (in communities served by Access Communications Co-operative);
- Be from a registered non-profit organization or charity;
- Have a proven record of achievement or potential for success in line with the Children’s Fund’s overall purpose and goals;
- Address a community need and provide direct impact to the community served;
- Include planned outcomes, supported by a measurement and evaluation process;
- Have sound financial practices, a sustainable funding model, and a detailed program budget.
- Commit to submit a follow-up report including spending and outcomes.
- Organization must have been in existence, and programs running for a minimum of 6 months.
The Children’s Fund may, from time to time, consider a more significant investment into a Legacy Project. A legacy project might be described as a larger project that may span multiple years and may involve capital investment. These projects require a full review by the Board of the Children’s Fund as part of its responsibility to ensure all funding meets the stated criteria for the Fund and will produce outcomes consistent with the Children’s Fund mission.
Before completing the application form, please review our funding criteria and check if your project is eligible for funding.
<input name="non-profit" required="required" type="checkbox"> My organization operates in a Saskatchewan community served by Access Communications Co-operative.
<input type="checkbox"> My organization is a registered non-profit organization, a charity or a school.
<input name="risk" required="required" type="checkbox"> This funding request is specifically directed to children 18 and under, children at risk, in need, or most vulnerable (rather than the general youth population).
<input required="required" type="checkbox"> This program funding request has a budget breakdown that does not include salaries, honorariums, facility costs, advertising or promotion in the asked for donation amount.
<input name="3-years" required="required" type="checkbox"> It has been two years since my organization has received funding from the CF (one year on/one year off – example: if you received funding in 2024 you are not eligible until 2026).
<input name="3-years" required="required" type="checkbox"> Please note: Incomplete applications will be rejected. Applications will be evaluated based on the information provided, with particular emphasis on how the proposed project will specifically benefit at-risk, in-need, or the most vulnerable children and youth.
If you have questions about whether your project is eligible, we encourage you to contact us prior to completing the form below.