Who can play Access TV Bingo?
Access TV Bingo is only available to Access Communications television viewers. The games are aired on AccessNow TV each Saturday at 5:00 pm. To win, players must be 16 years of age or older.
Who benefits from Children's Fund TV Bingo?
TV Bingo is produced by the Access Communications Children's Fund, a registered charity that provides financial assistance to children and youth at risk, in need, or most vulnerable in communities served by Access Communications Co-operative. For more information, call 306-565-6642 or email childrens.fund@myaccess.coop.
How do I get more information about TV Bingo?
For more information, call 306-565-5378 or toll free 1-877-889-8860 or email tvbingo@myaccess.coop
How much do the bingo cards cost?
$14.00 each for a 6-up 4-page book. Payment can be made only by cash or debit/credit cards (no cheque payments permitted by the SLGA).
How many games are there and how much can I win?
There are 13 games each night: 12 games at $500 and 1 game with a $1,000 prize. A total of $7,000 - $15,000 will be won each week in our prize board.
How fast are the numbers called?
The numbers will be called 10 seconds apart, and a flashboard will be present onscreen throughout each game.
How much time do I have to call in and confirm that I have a bingo?
The information on each TV Bingo card is stored by computer, including the serial number, game pattern, and page color. Viewers will be notified when a bingo is determined. The Bingo Caller will wait up to 75 seconds (150 seconds (about 2 and a half minutes) if the prize is over $1000) for the potential winner to phone in before the next number is called.
How do i get my money when I win?
More details will be given to you about this when you win. No TV Bingo retail outlet will give out prize money under any circumstances.
Winning cards must be validated before a cheque is issued or mailed out. If picking up a cheque from Access Communications in Regina, the winner must bring the winning card and ID before the cheque is released. Out-of-town winning bingo cards can be validated by texting a picture of the winning card to 306-501-7307, or the local bingo representative in your area will validate the winning card and arrange it with you. If possible, taking a picture of your winning card for verification in case the winning card is lost is a clever idea. Please note the picture must be clear and show the numbers, free space number, and serial number.