Worksafe Saskatchewan
A call to action and goal for employers and companies to achieve zero workplace injuries, zero fatalities, and zero suffering by families.
Safety First
We employ an on-site Safety Officer who ensures that we comply with all Federal and Provincial Legislation, provides safety and health training to all staff, regardless of their position, as well as providing specific industry-leading safety training for staff requiring it.
Being safe isn't just when on our premises or for our staff, whether it is a technician working on tower maintenance or a customer having a service call in their home, we follow all Federal and Provincial mandates to ensure our staff, customers and volunteers safety is put first.

We support Mission: Zero, which is a call to action and goal for employers and companies to achieve zero workplace injuries, zero fatalities, and zero suffering by families. Its symbol, a stop-sign red button, has been adopted as the symbol for injury prevention in the province.

We are proud to hold the Saskatchewan Certificate of Recognition (COR), an occupational health and safety program designation verifying that a company has a fully-implemented health and safety management system that meets national standards.