TV Advertising
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Current and up-to-date news including current events, breaking news, sports, lifestyles, celebrity news and much more. Get a 15-second billboard ad or 30-second full-motion spot that appears above the television listings and news headlines. Your message runs up to a minimum 48 times per day, 336 times per week—now that's frequency!
Here's a little bit about the people your message will reach:
NOTE: Full-motion not available in all markets
Perfect for Realtors! Your Home Channel is a key tool for house hunters or home owners who are renovating their existing home. It includes vital details and clear, colourful photos of houses for sale, home improvement ads and is enhanced with home related tips. Your Home Channel will quickly make you a household name. Costs are low, the viewers are qualified and, best of all, Your Home Channel is a convenient way to get your message heard!
That’s money in your pocket!
1 – Based on Arcas Direct Viewership Survey
2 – Sigma Analytics Viewership Survey Fall
Access will assign a Relationship Manager to work with your business. Some conditions apply. | |
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