
Decision 2024: Regina Mayoral Debate to Air on AccessNow TV

Access Communications Co-operative (Access) is excited to announce it is airing the Decision 2024: Regina Mayoral Debate on Oct. 30 ahead of the November 13, 2024, Municipal Election. Decision 2024: Reigna Mayoral Debate is produced by the Regina & District Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) and will air on AccessNow TV Community Channels (Regina & Area).  

“Municipal Government is the closest level of government to the people they serve,” said Carmela Haines, President and CEO of Access. “Airing political debates like the Regina Mayoral Debate is essential to fostering an informed and engaged community.”

The debates will be moderated by Lisa Peters, host of Talk of the Town (in Regina and area). The format is the moderator asks a series of questions and each candidate will have a specific time limit to answer. Topics are being determined by a Regina Chamber member poll. In addition, the Chamber will host a panel discussion with local Regina business leaders after the debate.

“This debate provides Chamber members and Access viewers with a chance to understand the mayoral candidates’ platforms. The municipal election will have a major impact on Regina’s future and providing the opportunity to hear from the candidates is an integral part of our democratic process,” said Tony Playter, CEO of the Regina & District Chamber of Commerce.

The Mayoral Debate will air on AccessNow TV (Regina & Area), the AccessNow App, and the AccessNow TV YouTube Channel (@AccessNowTV). Participation is based on criteria set by the Chamber.

Local media are invited to attend and participate in post-debate interviews. 

Debate Schedule
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: 2250 Park St. 

Sponsors for the debates include the Saskatchewan Realtors Association, Regina & Region Home Builder’s Association, Regina Hotels Association, and APAS (Panel Sponsor). 

Media Contact:

Mark Rathwell
Corporate Communications Manager
Access Communications Co-operative
Phone: 306.559.2401

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